jQuery( document ).ready(function($) { jQuery('#mif_feed_id.mif_wrap').slideDown( "slow", function() {}); jQuery(document).on("click", ".mif_share_links", function($) { jQuery(this).next('.mif_links_container').slideToggle('medium', function() { if (jQuery(this).is(':visible')) jQuery(this).css('display','block'); }); }); /* Premium Code Stripped by Freemius */ //Feeds ajaxify products starts from here jQuery(".mif_load_feeds").live("click", function($) { jQuery('#mif_load_btn').addClass('loading'); var next_id = jQuery('#mif_next_pag').val(); var current_items = jQuery('#mif_current_items').val(); var shortcode_atts = jQuery(this).data('shortcode_atts'); jQuery.ajax({ url : mif.ajax_url, type : 'post', dataType: 'json', data : { action : 'mif_load_more_feeds', current_items : current_items, shortcode_atts : shortcode_atts, next_id : next_id }, success : function( response ) { jQuery('.mif_load_feeds').removeClass('loading'); if(response.success){ // console.log(response); return; var next_item = response.data.mif_next_items; var next_id = response.data.next_id; // if (next_id == null){ // next_id = 0; jQuery('#mif_load_btn').slideUp('slow'); // } if(jQuery('#mif_feed_id').data('template') === 'masonary'){ /* Premium Code Stripped by Freemius */ } else{ jQuery('.mif_feeds_holder').append(response.data.html); } /* Premium Code Stripped by Freemius */ jQuery('#mif_current_items').val(next_item); jQuery('#mif_next_pag').val(response.data.next_id); } else{ jQuery('.mif_feeds_holder').append(response.data.html); } } }); }); if(mif.version === 'pro'){ $(function () { $('.mif-popup-carousel-container') // Listen to the events .on('fotorama:load ' + // Stage image of some frame is loaded 'fotorama:showend', // End of the show transition function (e, fotorama, extra) { getImageSize($('.fotorama__active .carousel-item img'), function(width, height) { const aspectRatio = width / height; fotorama.resize({ width: "100%", ratio: aspectRatio, minwidth: 50, maxwidth: "100%", minheight: 50, maxheight: "100%", }, 500) }); function getImageSize(img, callback) { var $img = $(img); if ($img[0] != undefined) { var wait = setInterval(function() { var w = $img[0].naturalWidth, h = $img[0].naturalHeight; if (w && h) { clearInterval(wait); callback.apply(this, [w, h]); } }, 30); } } } ) }); } /* */ });